Thursday, December 22, 2016

Trying to order chocolates from Maison du Chocolat.

I would like the gesture gift box but can't seem to find the ones for 14 - 18 pieces!


Anyway there's an offer now for free overnight priority shipping for orders over $40.

So I could order

1.  2 x $17 = $34
     2 x  6 pc gift box

2. Emotion Dark Chocolate
 20 pc = $45
This is good value but there's only 3 types of flavors (plain dark chocolate ganache).

I'd like to get some of the flavoured ganaches especially the rum (turns out Lawrence prefers dark chocolate to rum).

4. Assorted chocolates

Update: I ended up getting the Maison Coffret with a little customization. Mostly dark chocolates! It got held up at FEDEX though so now I just gotta stop obsessing.

Here's a review

Sunday, October 23, 2016

I got fitted for pointe shoes at Sonata Dance yesterday! Reminder NOT to wear little skirts for fitting because you have to be on a platform for the specialist to check your feet. I was also advised not to break in the shoes with my hands!

While looking up ways to break in pointe shoes, I came across this post that has really beautiful videos of dancers preparing for pointe work.


Monday, August 29, 2016

I am so excited to share that... I signed up for my first pole dance course yesterday! 
The choreo was pretty sexy and I enjoyed learning it. However, i was slightly underwhelmed that we only learnt 1 trick! That's the fireman spin. Here's a breakdown of the steps. 

1. Stand with the arm facing the mirror at the top of the pole. Shoulders pressed close to ears and then press doen and pull against the pole. 
2. The other hand across the chest, pushing the pole. 
3,. Lift one leg in tabletop position. 
4. Lean towards the upper arm until feet is lifted off the ground
5. Spin with feet pointing towards the bum

Second class tonight!